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[情報] HTC Sense 7 截圖洩漏
Oct 27th 2014, 22:17, by Masini1491

作者Masini1491 (Masini)


標題[情報] HTC Sense 7 截圖洩漏

時間Mon Oct 27 22:17:28 2014

Exclusive Screenshots of the HTC Sense 7 with Material Design on Android 5.0 Lollipop
More Screenshots from HTC Sense 7 UI has been leaked, we got two screenshots via an Anonymous Tip. The source claims that HTC is working on developing the Sense 7 UI with Material Design on the latest Lollipop Developer Preview as a preparation for the final version release. Sense 7 UI is still unfinished and under-development. Looks like HTC will release a whole new version of Sense (7.0) for a whole new version of Android (5.0). However, We don't have any confirmation regarding the authenticity of these screenshots, it could be a very very early Sense 7 build, or not!
The HTC Sense 7 UI has almost the same style and icons as the Sense 6 but with a little Material touch. Software keys background will change its color according to the App accent color which as a gorgeous touch to the User Interface, unlike the current Sense 6 which makes the Software keys almost black on most Apps. These screenshots were taken from an HTC One M8 device, we didn't get screenshots from the Homscreen, App drawer, lockscreen or the Notifications bar yet.
HTC promised that it will deliver Lollipop OTA update to its One M8 and One M7 in exactly 90 days after Google release the final version (November,3rd). Stay Tuned for More Info! Thanks for the Tip Anon! 大家覺得這個開發中的Sense 7.0感覺如何呢? 只是沒想到會直接跳過Sense 6.5蠻意外就是 而且整體色彩風格似乎又要大改的感覺,不知道是不是為了迎合Android 5.0 但是字體似乎也有改掉的樣子,不知道最終會變成什麼樣子? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址:

kira925 : 就這兩張其實不知道會改怎樣XD 10/27 22:19

james732 : 會期待正式版XD 10/27 22:19

shyshyan : 電池資訊好像就android5的啊 ? 10/27 22:20

james732 : 不過Google有強制要求各家UI做material design嗎? 10/27 22:20

delaluna : 配合Android 5的平面化? 10/27 22:20

kira925 : 從M8/S5開機畫面被強制要求Powered by Android 10/27 22:20

kira925 : 我猜可能性不小 特別HTC又在幫Google代工N9 10/27 22:21

Ryan908 : 還我的 圓圈圈.... 10/27 22:22

sokayha : 字體本來sense 6.0就內建可以換了 10/27 22:23

phi0918 : 圓圈圈到底哪裡好用xd 10/27 22:23

sokayha : 圓圈圈是啥? 10/27 22:25

ducamao : snese 4的圈圈...論直覺度其實4+很棒... 10/27 22:27

james732 : 我也很喜歡OneX那代的Sense 4,有些東西超炫的 10/27 22:28

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