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[新聞] (譯) 3 straight blasts end Jays' win streak
Jun 25th 2013, 10:42

作者prince (支那是貶義詞?)


標題[新聞] 譯 Hellickson, three straight blasts

時間Tue Jun 25 10:42:13 2013 Hellickson, three straight blasts end Jays' win streak Hellickson 和連續三轟終止藍鳥的連勝 By Bill Chastain / | 6/24/2013 9:48 PM ET ST. PETERSBURG -- The Toronto Blue Jays' 11-game win streak came to an end Monday at Tropicana Field, as the Rays won their second consecutive game with a 4-1 victory. 多倫多藍鳥隊的 11 連勝在星期一光芒隊以 4-1 取得二連勝後, 於 Tropicana 球場宣告終止。 The win moved the Rays to 40-37 and into sole possession of fourth place in the American League East as both the Rays and Blue Jays entered the day five games out of first place. 這場勝利使得光芒隊以 40 勝 37 敗獨居美國聯盟東區第四名,賽前 兩隊距首位的勝差皆為五場。 The middle of the Rays' lineup set the tone in the bottom of the second inning when James Loney, Wil Myers and Sam Fuld hit back-to-back-to-back home runs for the first time at Tropicana Field and the second time in club history. 光芒隊的中心棒次 James Loney、Wil Myers 和 Sam Fuld 在二局下就以 Tropicana 球場首次暨隊史第二次的連續三支全壘打將這場比賽定調。 Myers received a curtain call from the home fans as his shot to center field came in his first at-bat at the Trop. Fuld's blast to right field was just his sixth career home run. Myers 在他的 Tropicana 球場初打席擊出中外野全壘打後,出來向主場 球迷答謝。Fuld 的右外野全壘打則僅僅是他生涯的第六支。 Rays starter Jeremy Hellickson made it through the seventh inning for the first time since May 22, allowing just one hit in the form of a J.P. Arencibia second-inning single. Hellickson pumped his fist after he struck Arencibia out to end the seventh inning. 光芒隊的先發投手 Jeremy Hellickson 自五月 22 日後首度投完七局, 僅僅在第二局被 J.P. Arencibia 擊出一壘安打。Hellickson 以三振 J.P. Arencibia 結束第七局時,握拳歡呼。 Hellickson walked Colby Rasmus in the second inning, breaking his club-record-tying streak of four consecutive starts without allowing a walk. Hellickson 在第二局保送了 Colby Rasmus,終止他平隊史紀錄的連續四次 先發無保送。 The Rays added another run in the third inning on a single from Matt Joyce, followed by a looping double off the bat of Luke Scott. 光芒隊在第三局以 Matt Joyce 的一壘安打及 Luke Scott 隨後的二壘安打 追加一分。 Alex Torres relieved Hellickson and gave up a run when Jose Bautista grounded into a fielder's choice in the eighth. The run broke Torres' streak of 25 straight scoreless innings, which dated back to Sept. 22, 2011. 第八局由 Alex Torres 接替 Hellickson 投球,並在 Jose Bautista 擊出滾地球時,因野手選擇失一分。這一分打破 Torres 連續 25 局 自 2011 年 9 月 22 日起未失分的紀錄。 Bill Chastain is a reporter for This story was not subject to the approval of Major League Baseball or its clubs. 評語:連勝炸彈傳到 Esmil Rogers 手上後,終於爆炸了 Q_Q (幸好不是炸在王建民手上) --- 有人知道 "looping double" 的精確意思嗎? 謝謝。 -- 把橋牌裡的 "無王" 講成 "No King" 就像把 "無望" 翻成 "No Look" 一樣... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

JHWM:內文沒有王建民零分! 06/25 10:43

JHWM:按成噓了@@ 06/25 10:44

AK00627:接下來變五成炸彈 06/25 10:44

SNGoMMX:第二段翻譯錯誤哦 06/25 10:44

SNGoMMX:整段話應該要一起翻 06/25 10:45

SNGoMMX:應該要翻成光芒脫離兩隊並列與首位勝差5場的局面獨居第4 06/25 10:46

krosby:川崎哭哭!!! Q____Q 要下放小聯盟惹!!!!!!!!!!!!! 06/25 10:49

krosby:川崎很可惜....... 蠻喜歡他的!!! 06/25 10:50

prince:謝謝 SNGoMMX ^_^ 06/25 10:50

branda0423:川崎....不要呀~~~Q___Q 06/25 10:51

※ 編輯: prince 來自: (06/25 10:52)

SNGoMMX:不會~我剛剛還以為是控制碼XD 06/25 10:52

bluerain0958:這樣比較好 連勝會有壓力的 06/25 11:02

bluerain0958:再開另外一段連勝 然後慢慢進季後賽((大誤 06/25 11:03

thewaymilky:喔不~川崎~~ 06/25 11:03

alex0203cool:囧拉迪:王不能讓球隊12連勝 所以我不要 06/25 11:07

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