批踢踢實業坊 MayDay 板
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[情報] 09/27 Music station flumpool x Mayday
Sep 13th 2013, 19:57, by kira1211

作者kira1211 (科科)


標題[情報] 09/27 Music station flumpool X mayday

時間Fri Sep 13 19:57:47 2013

剛剛日本的音樂節目MUSIC STATION預告說下下禮拜五(9/27)晚上要撥出3小時SP 來賓包括有 flumpool x mayday 有圖有真相 難得會在MS看到台灣藝人 官網公布的來賓 如無意外 緯來日本台將在日本播出後3~4週播出中文字幕版 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

joanjen:真的假的我要在日本看直播~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 09/13 19:59

tomoa:好想看!!! 09/13 20:01

zx3368569:Music station!!!!!!!! 天阿!!!! 09/13 20:03

taco2414:挖!!!!!!!!!! 09/13 20:03

vanilla6:只能推了哈哈哈哈 09/13 20:03

peacemay:MS啊啊啊!!!!!!!!!! 09/13 20:03

DerekJeter02:這一定要推阿!!! 09/13 20:03

lumandog:MS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 09/13 20:04

sosoing:超威!水喔!☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆ 09/13 20:04

memalina:好酷呀!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 09/13 20:06

fresh852:MS!!!!!! 09/13 20:07

katy80254:這要怎麼在台灣看直播阿!!!!!!!! 09/13 20:08

ilovee0427:同場出演來賓有AKB48耶....某人表示... 09/13 20:09

kikiyan:超棒的!!!!!!推!!!!!!!!老大!!!!是AKB!!!!!(喂XDDD 09/13 20:09

JamesWY:哇塞!!! 09/13 20:09

qaz123456:哇賽!!!!!!!!!!!我剛剛尖叫了!!!!! 09/13 20:09

cometrue:!!! 09/13 20:10

towachu:哇 09/13 20:11

yuko1588:那天的出演組合好羨慕阿QAQ 09/13 20:11

kaworu0612:我的天阿阿阿阿阿!!!!!!!!放鞭炮啦~!!!! 09/13 20:12

sister4949:太棒啦!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 09/13 20:13

Kellylin0305:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 09/13 20:14

sw925524:準時蹲直播!!!!! 09/13 20:14

tomoa:台灣怎麼看直播? 09/13 20:17

zx3368569:五月天+AKB48+Perfume 三個願望一次滿足!!!!! 09/13 20:17

stu90120:必看啊!還有AKB 09/13 20:18

petty0312:推!!!!! 09/13 20:19

※ 編輯: kira1211 來自: (09/13 20:21)

rachelna:太棒!!!要看直播!! 09/13 20:21

chiutin:!!!!!! 09/13 20:21

maggie531:MS(≧≦) 09/13 20:23

Ting790208:推!!!!!!!! 09/13 20:24

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